Together, our aim is for everyone across Staffordshire Moorlands to move more every day and to provide greater support to those that need it most.

When we say ‘we’ and ‘our’, we mean our collective work, including integrated health and care, voluntary and community organisations, young peoples’ services and education, wellbeing, sport, leisure, transport, housing, environment, community safety and planning, to name but a few.


Download the Move More Staffordshire Moorlands Strategy pdf here.

Who we are

Together, our aim is for everyone across Staffordshire Moorlands to move more every day and to provide greater support to those that need it most. When we say ‘we’ and ‘our’, we mean our collective work, including integrated health and care, voluntary and community organisations, young peoples’ services and education, wellbeing, sport, leisure, transport, housing, environment, community safety and planning, to name but a few.

Watch our Strategy Video

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Case Story


Leek Town – Walking Football Tournament 2022

Since January 2021, partners have been working together to engage, map, listen and plan how we can understand and work with communities more effectively in Staffordshire Moorlands, using a new approach to promote a healthy weight and active lifestyle.
The aim of Better Health Staffordshire is to create a system network where partners and communities work collectively, over the long term to develop, implement and evaluate a shared vision and actions which tackle the causes of obesity and promote a healthy weight and an active lifestyle.

A core working group has been established to create a countywide system network as well as networks within each District/Borough, to reflect local need. The networks will work together to ensure alignment and make our assets and resources work more effectively. The national ‘Better Health’ branding allows us to amplify campaigns locally and utilise a known national brand that may already be familiar to Staffordshire residents. The branding complements what District or Borough councils may already have in place, rather than replace it.

Tackling complex determinants is everybody’s business and requires a coordinated and collaborative approach with community engagement at the heart.

This approach is underpinned by the Public Health England, now known as Office for Health Improvement and Disparities guidance on how local authorities, with partners, can address obesity levels and promote a healthy weight in their area through the implementation of a Whole Systems Approach.

In Staffordshire Moorlands three main key themes started to develop from the four workshops which were held to discuss health weight management. Those themes shown below, will now form distinct sub-groups of the Better Health Staffordshire (Moorlands) work.

  1. Move More (Staffordshire Moorlands) – link to strategy
  2. Food and Nutrition
  3. Environment

More More Staffordshire Moorlands will develop and bring together all of the key partners, organisations and individuals who are interested in promoting opportunities for our communities to move more leading to healthier and happy lifestyles.

Our Partners

Staffordshire County Council (Better Health Staffordshire)
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council
Together Active
Lex Leisure
Biddulph Youth & Community Zone

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Email: | Move More Staffordshire Moorlands, C/O Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek, ST13 6HQ